Saturday, May 26, 2012

We're back!

School's out and so I've been scouring the internet for fun science & home/school type ideas. Here is science project #1.  This one talked about  DENSITY. They weren't sure what would happen. They guessed that the combination of all our ingredients would make dish soap.  (??)

You need:
*A glass jar
*Karo Syrup
*Dawn Dish soap
*Vegetable Oil
*Rubbing Alcohol
*Lamp Oil (we didn't use)

Pour equal amounts of each item into the glass jar. (We did 1/2 cup each). Poor slowly, making sure to not hit the sides of the jar. Go in order and watch what happens.
First the honey
 Then the Karo
 Then the dish soap
 Then the water. You could only faintly tell the difference between our soap and water layers
Then Vegetable Oil
 Then rubbing alcohol. Our rubbing alcohol seemed to blend with something else. It didn't sit on top like it was supposed to.

It was very cool to see how quickly everything separated.   Afterwards, we put a lid on, and gave it a good shake. Within minutes it had re-seperated, although the honey & karo mixed and the soap & water mixed.   I don't know that my kids understand density anymore than when we started, but they had fun!

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