Wednesday, May 30, 2012

How to peel a RAW EGG?

How do you peel a raw egg?  Science project #2

Start by CAREFULLY placing a raw egg into a glass jar.  We happened to have brown and white eggs so we did one of each.

Cover the egg with vinegar. Plug your nose if you can't handle the smell!

Watch & wait...................
My boys thoughts:  Chase thinks the (white) egg will turn yellow. Tanner thinks the egg will grow. After seeing the egg start to fizz in the vinegar they decided that the shell will dissolve.

 Within an hour the brown egg started to look like this:

We happened to be going away for the holiday weekend, so 4 days later this is what our eggs looked like. 
Interestingly enough, the white egg and brown egg both reacted totally different. 

The white eggs shell was completely gone. It had nearly doubled in size and felt like a bouncy ball. It even bounced a little in the bowl. 
 When we broke it open with a spoon, it was still very much in tact inside, although the yolk looked a little rubbery.

The brown egg shell was still there, although it had turned to mush around the egg. It had cracked in several areas and in one spot a part of the yolk was sticking out.

The yolk looked almost cooked a little and there was no membrane left. The shell is obviously still there.

Although it took a few days to do this, it was really fascinating! 

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